Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Story that Keeps Breaking My Heart

Charlsie Adams-Rodgers took the stand in her own defense today in the Involuntary Manslaughter case involving the death of foster child Isaac Lethbridge. Her testimony is not shocking in content, but if you think for a minute that she was not responsible, even she admits her legal responsibility for the boy.

Lest you forget, they found blunt force trauma to be the cause of his death, but Isaac had burns, bruises and even cigarette marks on his body.

It made me sick to read this morning in the same article linked above (being updated periodically by the Free Press) that she said the children arrived at her home without anything and were "nasty." Who does she think she is to call two children "nasty"? Granted, I'm sure there's more to the context of the comment, but I think she picked her words wrong because it sounds even worse now that she's spoken.

There's another reason that OJ was smart to take the Fifth.

1 Comment:

MarilynJean said...

Seriously, when you see stories like this, you have to question everything from your faith to the law's ability to protect those who need it the most. It makes me sick to see a child who has no choice in this matter suffer because adults and the system have failed them.


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