Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I hate the Ann Arbor Art Fairs. There, I've said it.

I always have. I always will. Some people get all dressed up in their Birkenstocks and their fanny packs and walk around Ann Arbor acting like its some big deal that they have a bunch of art vendors there and that their city is soooooooo cool. They're just loud and obnoxious and generate ridiculous amounts of traffic and it's a bunch of pretentious people looking at mostly pretentious and stupid art.

I don't even live on that side of town and I still hate it. God, when I did live over there it was horrific. Oh, and when I worked in Ann Arbor and lived in Ypsi and had to drive between the two that was a goddamned nightmare.

It's a bunch of hippies that thought of this and now it's a bunch of middle-aged women carrying on the tradition.

God help us all.



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