Monday, July 9, 2007

I need to be honest with myself

I'm not a morning person. Flat out. I never have been and I'm slowly coming to the conclusion that I never will be. I've tried...I continue to try, but nothing works. Coffee, massive amounts of caffeine, working out...NOTHIING. I mean, I can function in basic terms, but nothing worthwhile.

The thing is that now that I've realized this, I'm going to learn to work with it instead of against it. I'm going to start putting my more mundane projects in the morning and my more time-consuming ones in the afternoon or evening. I'm going to try and go to bed a bit earlier so that my period of little-uselessness shrinks to just the early mornings and not the whole mornings. I'm going to get back on the morning workout wagon because it helps get my thoughts going early.
I just wanted to clarify this for those of you concerned. My mental hours of operation are affected by this non-morning-person-itis, so you should know.

1 Comment:

MarilynJean said...

If I could work in the office from 2pm to 10pm, I probably would. Better yet, I can get here by 9, but I need a nap.


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