Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Clinton-Obama 2008?

Or Obama-Clinton 2008? Seems that now that Hillary's campaign got a bit of a Ohio-Texas boost (though Obama won the Texas caucuses), she's willing to discuss a shared ticket. Of course, she'd get top billing.

I'm so ready for this primary stuff to be over. I feel like now that the Republicans have a for-sure nominee we need to cut the games because the longer we let this go on, the worse it's going to get in terms of in-fighting and we need to focus on the big prize, which doesn't get awarded until November.

And of course, there's more flutter now about a do-over in the Michigan Democratic Primary. Gov. Granholm wants a caucus. I think that's about right. What I don't think is right, though, is just handing the delegates over to Clinton who decided not to pull her name from the ballot when the race was decided not to count. If you're told something isn't going to count, I think that should stick.



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