Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A Small Step. A Big Day.

It's been in the works for awhile. One way or another this presidential election was going to be a little more historical than the others. This one measured up to the hype and then some. We've gone through each and every primary making each and every state's issues the nation's issues. From the mines in West Virginia to the sunset over Silicon Valley, this nomination race has been interesting.

I could go on and talk again about the division in the Democratic party. I could talk about how I believe it to be truly asinine for anyone to throw a vote to McCain either directly or through a third-party vote because their candidate didn't end up with the nomination. I could talk about the racism of the Clinton campaign or the sexism of the Obama campaign. I could talk about the wounds that those topics revealed in the ever-healing and still self-sabatoging psyche of America.

I could. But I won't.

Today should be remembered for what it is.

Today, a person of color stands as a major party candidate and a serious contender for the White House.

Now I know that this isn't going to heal the racial wounds of this country. I'm convinced that those wounds have much more healing to go. But for the first time in this nation's history, a black man is poised to be the president of the United States of America. And I'll be damned if I don't celebrate that a little. If we don't celebrate these victories, then what use is it to fight on for more?

This would be a historical moment if the candidate were Republican or Democrat. But it's even more inspiring because, to me, the candidate is someone I truly believe in.

So for tonight, even though your Democratic opponent isn't willing to concede, don't let that stand in your way. T0night is a historic night. I'm just happy that it happened in my lifetime.



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