Friday, August 3, 2007

Only partially true.

Survey says....Americans blame the media on the celebrity-driven frenzy that is gossip news.

That theory would work if Americans weren't eating it up like a Darfur orphan drinking her first glass of water in five days (credit to Moxie on that one).

1 Comment:

MarilynJean said...

Yeah...I can't tell where the vicious cycle of supply and demand started with this one. The media annoys me to no end. But you're right: if people were so disgusted with celebrity coverage, then magazines like People and OK! wouldn't sell like hotcakes every week.

I think what people are more sick of are the celebrities themselves. The media is always the "victim" when we can't identify the root cause of something. The media propogates it, but something else hatched the monster of celebrity obsession.


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