Wednesday, December 5, 2007


I hate going out to a bar or restaurant and coming home smelling like smoke. Furthermore, and more importantly, I hate going out to a bar or restaurant and coming home and having an asthma attack because someone ELSE decided to throw tar down their lungs.

That's why I'm so happy that the Michigan House of Representatives has passed a bill banning smoking in restaurants and bars. It now goes to the Senate, where it will meet some heavy opposition from Republicans because their supporters either have stock in or support tobacco companies and so-called "free enterprise" or are smokers themselves.



MisterElle said...

First I want to say that I am a smoker when I go out. BUT I love that Cleveland is smoke-free. I went to a concert in Detroit two weeks ago at the Majestic Theatre and thought I was going to be sick. In just one year, I have done a 180 and the smokers in Michigan will get over it too. I did. Good luck!

MarilynJean said...

I like when smokers try to reference the Bill of Rights when opposing smoking bans. I also like it when bar owner say they're losing business because of the ban. Um, if NYC can do it, so can you. Smokers aren't going to barricade themselves in their houses so they can whoop it up with some cigarettes. Try again.


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