Friday, October 31, 2008

Say it ain't so!!!

Fox isn't renewing King of the Hill for its 14th season. Looks like the 13th was an unlucky number.

I freaking love King of the Hill. Hank Hill is very much like Dad Grace and his wisdom, like that of Dad Grace, is short and simple. My all time favorite Hank Hill quote comes from an episode where Dale and Nancy have a renewal of their vows and Hank is charged with inviting Dale's estranged gay dad.

Hank takes the invitation from Nancy and sighs. "With the joy of responsibility comes the burden of obligation," Hank says.

How true, Hank. How true.

Maybe now they'll put seasons 7 through 13 on DVD.

1 Comment:

Carlos Echevarria said...

We agree on something, I love King of the Hill, too, Samantha.

I hope you are well...take care.


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