Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Black Friday Approaches

Economic downturn, recession, depression...and SHOPPING. People are wigging out right now about Black Friday more than ever because of the lack of funds to spend a lot. So deals are left and right and I have some here for you. Call it an early Christmas Gift to the loyal OBYCB readers.

First, if you want to get a great deal, check out AMAZON on Friday. If you use this link right here I'll get credit on my Amazon Associates account and you'll help some Grace family member get a better gift. Look at the deals though, because they are good...a TomTom for less than $100. Books on sale for 60% off. Check it out.

Second, here are some links to other great black Friday deals via Black Friday Ads.

The Mister might be making me get up Friday...not looking forward to it. So if I see you in line and I look like I'm going to pass out or kill someone, wave hello!

1 Comment:

The Road Less Traveled said...

Day after Thanksgiving shoppers are crazy! My sister is one. I prefer to sleep.

PS I gave you an honorable mention http://alongtheroadlesstraveled.blogspot.com/2008/11/thank-you-for-blogging.html


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