Friday, November 30, 2007


You've already thrown her in jail and sentenced her to be deported. COME ON.

Now they want to kill her.

I ask you--is this something that is very true to the heart of the Islamic faith? Killing?

Something tells me (and Megg as well) that this is not what Mohamed would want.


Kim said...

I agree with on some of your points. The cartoon and the teddy bear I don't get. I think there are bigger problems in the world than that.

Abu Ghraib on the other hand was a travesty. A sheer nightmare. And I wouldn't say that to be a perceived hit against Islam, but a direct one.

Do I think this is ridiculous? Absolutely It is sheer madness.

I don't totally disagree...but I do have to point out that part.

BUT THANKS FOR READING!!! And definitely thanks for commenting!

MarilynJean said...

Yeah, this is stupid. What about the travesty that happened to Miss Puerto Rico's pageant clothing?????

The odd thought that struck me was that in other countries people take to the streets like no one's business. I don't appreciate that they're taking it to the streets to kills this teacher, but at least they're active and vocal in local goings on. Just find that in the US. We're lazy SOBs.


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